In this five-step process program, discover how to create a life that allows you to flourish by being strategically proactive and giving yourself room and grace to grow.

Together we will create and implement your new approach to curating and designing your life.

Today's reality is we're all managing multiple sides of our lives, and we have the added complexity of blurred digital boundaries and high societal expectations, which is why LACEY invites you to shift your perspective from seeking balance to creating harmony in this innovative bootcamp on self-development in our hyper-connected era.

The more we have going on, the more information that is incoming, the more important it has become to design your life with fun and function, both as an individual and in partnerships. Work with LACEY to evaluate your current approach to scheduling, short-term, long-term and seasonal planning and create a new system using a combination of LACEY tools and an online and offline suite of curated apps, resources and documents to organize and manage all parts of your life.

    • Pre-session evaluation of current system as communicated on the in-take form.

    • One 120-minute one-on-one virtual session, where we will evaluate your current approach to planning.

    • Between session plan development.

    • One 120-minute one-on-one virtual session, where we will review and tweak your new plan. 

    • One 45 minute virtual session to implement your plan.

    • Post-session communication via email (up to three emails).

    • Access to a library of all the assets, instructions and tools you’ll need for your new system (your individualized plans, planning templates, best practices, recommended additional tools).

    • A daily and weekly planner.

    • A long-term plan for what you want to achieve.

    • Critical lists to make sure you are curating your life in a way that works for you. 

    • A schedule for when to plan on an annual, monthly, weekly and daily basis. 

    • A clear sense of what is best you to capture online and what is best offline.

    • A redesigned calendar.

    • A process to manage on-going and one-off tasks. 

    • An understanding of how to integrate your systems with the other people in your life, both family members and co-workers.

    • An approach that centers your career, health, family and fun.

    • Individuals

      • We can work on just the planning program or we can add-on the healthy digital life lens, for an additional fee.

      • Best for: Those feeling overwhelmed, stressed and/ or struggling to prioritize all parts of their life.

    • Couples: 

      • This bootcamp will allow two partners to work together to create a collaborative scheduling and planning system that functions for their whole family and creates equity in life management.

      • The program includes additional prep work and plan development to evaluate and consider both partners current systems, as well as two 45 implementation sessions, one for each partner. 

      • Best for: New couples, couples expecting children, couples struggling with coordinating their approaches to planning. 

Let’s do this.

Please request a bootcamp booking below.

Once you have scheduled and paid for your bootcamp, you will receive pre-work that will make our time together super-productive!

Price for individual program: $4,000 $2,500*

Price for individual program w/
healthy digital life add-on:
$5,000 $3,500*

Price for couples program: $6000 $4,500*

*Beta pricing for first 5 clients.