Forming your own personal board of directors gives you insights and clarity you cannot access alone. 

With your personal support system in place, we will provide you with the process to access the wisdom of the collective to help guide you through life's complexities.

The only constant in life is change. Many of us spend much of our life planning and preparing for what we want both personally and professionally and how we will achieve it, only to find ourselves at crossroads that bring unexpected realities and feelings.

Just as a company needs a board of directors to oversee its activities and performance and provide guidance, individuals do best when advised by a team of individuals who bring unique qualifications and connections to the relationship. 

Our personal board of directors process brings friendship, mentorship and peer-advising to the next level.

    • Pre-session evaluation of what you want your personal board of directors to focus on and creation of a list of possible board members.

    • One 90-minute one-on-one virtual session, to curate the process to fit your needs, choose who to reach out to, and provide the process to do so and how to prepare for and lead the the first Board meeting.

    • One-Hour Prep Session: Conducted over Zoom, we will evaluate the ideal focus for your personal board of directors and make a plan for your process. We will cover a combination of topics, including (but not limited to):

      • Board session prep, including agenda creation, personal board brief to circulate before the first session

      • Best facilitation practices

    • First personal board meeting summary: Utilizing an otter recording, we will provide you with a summary of your first meeting. 

    • Two-hour zoom session between board meetings meeting: In this session, we will:

      • Review with you the takeaways from the first session,

      • Create a form to gather information from board members for the second session, and

      • Set the second session agenda.

    • Summary of the between session personal board input to circulate to the board members and use in the second board meeting. 

    • Second personal board meeting summary: Utilizing an otter recording, we will provide you with a summary of your second meeting.

    • One-Hour Closing Session: We will review the summary of the second meeting and takeaways.

    • A significant understanding of how others view you and options of how best move forward with your life in a way that is authentic to who you are.

    • A collection of templates and worksheets to use to communicate with and engage your personal board, including email templates, google docs, sample agendas and board brief formats.

    • A detailed action plan with specific next steps to guide you on your journey.

    • A sense of how to continue to engage your personal board periodically.

    • Best practices for serving as a personal board member to others.

    • Anyone going through a professional or personal transition.

    • Those wanting to pivot in their focus and direction in the next 6 months to 5 years.

    • Individuals who want to be held more accountable to their sense of purpose and specific goals.

Let’s do this.

Please request an activation booking below.

Once you have scheduled and paid for your activation, you will receive pre-work that will make our time together super-productive!

Price for activation: $10,000 $5,000*

Price for activation and facilitation: $20,000 $10,000*
- Facilitation includes outreach to selected board members, running of meetings, and summary of suggested next steps.

*Beta pricing for first 5 clients.